General protection of the health of the population with a view to providing uniform support for all patients regardless of their place of residence
Reduce visits to hospitals and special health centres in the country and to each health service provider to what is absolutely necessary to reduce the risk to the general population
Preservation of health potential due to the reduction of the need for life-long provision of health services to patients
Providing counselling, guidance and support for patients and their relatives
Immediate monitoring and rapid recording of patient symptoms in the country's special health centres
Nteger tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.
Integer tempus magna risus, eget hendrerit eros consequat in. Nam elementum sapien eget accumsan convallis.