Integrated CRM software

A complete and fully customizable SALES FORCE CRM solution for companies in the field of Medicine, OTC and Medical Equipment


Speed and Ease

  • Easy to use and friendly Environment, using any device (smartphone, tablet, PC)
  • Manage Users by Access and Processing Rights
  • Online and offline connection
  • GPS routing / tracking system

Visits Archive

  • Create and control a hit plan
  • Fast registration of visit results
  • Checking and evaluating hit cycle results
  • Visit information and evaluation history
  • Customer/visit information and evaluation
  • Manage agendas and create appointments in an automated way

Integrated Statistical Information

  • Statistical reports with easy data extraction and processing
  • View sales goals and accounts
  • Statistical analysis of visit efficiency
  • Manage sales goals

Technical Support

Integrated technical support services from our highly trained staff.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 21:00